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Exo Marine - Dix 470 Melbourne Australia

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Good progress on Marram since our last update. Superstructure is complete. Electric drive installation ongoing. Quality of the build is exceptional.

Facebook page deidicated to the build The Making of Marram

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Couple of hours work and the turn is complete.

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Day of the turn.

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Day of the turn.

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Looking good.

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The day of the turn approaches, time to get the beer ready Kel.

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The epoxy finish almost looks too good to cover with paint. The build method produces a finish that needs minimal filling and fairing.

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Filleting of joints before glass fibre cloth application

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The build process creates a very clean finish

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Hull skin installation progressing.

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Hull bottom installation.

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Dagger support slide installation.

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Dagger box installation.

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Dagger board box construction including dagger support slides.

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A couple of months into the build and Kel is also making excellent progress.

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The build cradle has been assembled and bolted to the floor.

Kel now has a Facebook page deidicated to the build. The Making of Marram

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Kel has also built a Mecmate CNC in preparation to cut components based on the Exocetus kit design.

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Kel Bryant has been prepairing to start his build of a Dix470. The build shed is complete.

Contact UsDudley Dix Yacht Design
Responsive Site Designer