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Why Buy an Exocetus Kit

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The Exo approach to large projects such as the DIX470 is to study, simplify and streamline the build process. The product of this approach is a kit which saves time, reduces the complexity of the build and requirement for special tools. 

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Our kits avoid the more complex stages of boat building such as lofting from plans, cutting of ply, composite chain plate construction, dagger board profiling and fabrication. The basis of our designs is to make the best use of CNC technology, which allows us to incorporate features into the manufacturing process that would just be a bind to perform manually and in some cases just not possible. Such features include jigsaw joints, hatch and porthole frames, fixing holes, ply tenon joints etc.

The kit design has been based on the experience and techniques developed during the construction of Exocetus, the first Dix470 to be built. The standard building stock method of bulkhead staging has been developed into a build cradle which perfectly aligns the bulkheads in all three axis. The kits have been divided into logical build phases so the budget for the project can be spread over a period of time.

A wealth of knowledge is available online, detailing the build process of Exocetus and highlighting to an amateur builder some of the pitfalls to avoid. We provide each customer with full support throughout the build process including a 3D PDF build manual which describes each build stage in detail. The 3D PDF manual allows the customer to pan and zoom the graphic interface to view components and their locations from every angle.

Example 3D PDF manual build stage. You may have to trust document content under options to enable the 3D content of this PDF.

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We use jigsaw joints for joining ply components, they produce a near perfect flat surface, use less epoxy and achieve a very accurate alignment between components when compared to scarf joints.

This bulkhead has pre-formed hatch and port light openings machined to suit Vetus equipment, also all fixing holes are pre-drilled.

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Porthole flanges machined from layered ply. Portholes are recessed to achieve a smooth outer skin line.

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Rudder foil machined from layered ply. The face side can be challenging to make by hand but the back side which accommodates the flanged rudder post can only be produced using CNC methods.

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